This page will help you setup your digital signature to use with CalDepo. We highly suggest you use the current version of Internet Explorer for this process.
First make sure you have an account with Reporter Base:
Click Here If You Need To Setup An Account
Click Here To Login To Your RB Account
**This first section will only walk you through setting up a new certificate. If you already have a certificate from another agency please scroll down to Part II**
Once logged in you need to select Register Certificate on the left hand side
Select one of the following options:
New user for StartSSL.
I have an account for StartSSL, but I lost my certificate or need to renew my certificate.
I have other CA’s certificate
1) Open
2) Click Sign-up in the top right corner.
3) Select your Country in the drop-down, enter your desired Email address, and check I have read and agree to . Click Send verification code. Leave this page open.
4) Check your email for your verification code. When you receive it, copy your verification code from the email.
5) Return to the open browser page and paste your verification code in Verification Code, then click Sign Up.
6) When Web Access Confirmation appears, click No.
7) Select The system generate private key and CSR, then type the same password in Private key password and Confirm Password. (Remember your password, you will use it later. Password length 10~32 character and must only consist of letters, numbers) Click Submit.
8) Click Download files to download your StartSSL certificate to your workstation.
9) Click the arrow button in the download tab, and select Open. **THIS STEP MAY VARY DEPENDING ON THE BROWSER YOU ARE USING
10) Certificate Import Wizard will automatically open. Select Current User, then click Next.
11) File Name will be automatically populated. Click Next.
12) Type the same Password as you entered in step #7, and select all Import options. Then click Next.
13) Select Place all certificates in the following store, and click Browse…
14) Select the Personal directory in the Select Certificate Store screen, then click OK.
15) In the Certificate Import Wizard screen, click Next.
16) Click Finish.
17) Click OK in Importing a new private exchange key screen.
18) When your certificate is successfully imported, the Certificate Import Wizard pop-up screen appears. Click OK.
If you have obtained your Digital ID from StartSSL, click “Next.”
Once you obtain a digital ID (certificate) from startcom and install it on your computer, the next step is to export your digital certificate from your internet browser to upload to this site.
The internet browser should be the same one you used when installing your certificate.
1) On the menu bar in Microsoft Internet Explorer, click Tools > Internet Options.
2) Click the Content tab, then click Certificates.
3) In the Certificates window, highlight the certificate you want to export issued by “StartCom Class 1 Client CA,” then click Export.
4) The Certificate Export Wizard opens. Click Next.
5) Select Yes, export the private key, then click Next.
6) Check the Include all certificates in the certification path if possible box. Make sure that Export all extended properties is also checked. Click Next.
7) Enter the same password in Password and Type and confirm password (mandatory), then click Next.
8) Click Browse.
9) In the Save As window, choose a location to save the file in the Save in drop-down. Remember this location so that you can find it later. Type a name for the file in the File name field, then click Save.
10) Click Next.
11) Click Finish. The certificate exports in Microsoft “PFX” format.
If you have exported your digital certificate from Microsoft Internet Explorer, click “Next.”
1) Upload the certificate.
2) Enter the password you selected when you exported your digital certificate in step 2.
3) Click Register
Step 4 of 4. Prepare your ‘wet’ signature
In addition to your digital signature, we will create an image file of your actual handwritten signature for placing on finished CalDepo transcripts.
Print out the Signature Fax Form and follow its instructions. When we receive your form, we will create an image file for you. You will receive notification when your signature is done.
On your My ReporterBase page, click Permit Certificate Usage.
On Permit Certificate Usage, click New to select the name of a court reporting agency which will be your RB Digital Signature Proxy in the drop-down, then click Send.
To add another firm, click the link next to Want to add another RB firm? Add other firms on the RB Digital Signature Proxy page at any time. You can also monitor your proxies’ use of your digital signature on that page.
Click Permit Certificate Usage (you cannot complete this step until you upload your wet signature)
Click New
Type in California Deposition Reporters
Click Permit Certificate Usage